Amy Rattner
Amy Storey Rattner lives in Woodside, California, with her husband, two sons, and two Bernese mountain dogs. She graduated from Stanford University with a BA and MA in English and worked in graphic design before discovering her passion for fine art in 2006. After attending an intensive water media workshop in Taos, New Mexico, led by famed watercolor artists Skip Lawrence, Christopher Schink, Fran Larsen, and Katherine Chang Liu, Amy discovered a new, fresh style of painting that is uniquely her own.
Amy’s work belongs to private collections worldwide. Her work is currently available at Viewpoints Gallery in Los Altos, California, and has been featured in exhibitions throughout the state, at Wow! Gallery in Santa Fe, and online at Ugallery, a curated online gallery featuring top emerging and established artists from around the world. Amy’s artwork has been highlighted in Art of the West, Southwest Art, Palette Magazine, and the Salinas Californian. Her work earned Best in Show in Fusion Art’s 5th Anniversary Exhibition in October 2020, third place in the Pacific Art League’s 95th Anniversary Exhibition in 2017, and first place in the 2016 and 2017 Redwood City Spring Art Show, as well as honorable mentions in national juried shows at Palo Alto’s Pacific Art League.
Project 270 - Wyoming

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