Annie Brace with Corso Graphics
Annie Brace of Corso Graphics is an illustrator, graphic designer, and fine artist who lives in Alaska, where she is surrounded by insurmountable inspiration and beauty. Annie’s spunky personality translates seamlessly into her art, where color and energy are never lacking. Growing up in the Midwest gave Annie roots, studying art and design in Italy gave her wings, and starting a family gave her purpose. The integration of these three things set the foundation for the trajectory in her life as an artist. Annie believes artists have a unique opportunity to use their art as a visual conduit for important messages and raising concerns over social issues. We are in a moment where that platform is more critical than ever.
Project 270 - Alaska (Anchorage)

“My participation in Project 270 was more than just creating a fun, vibrant piece of art; it was a calling to do something bigger at a time where words were abundant yet falling short. Art, in all forms, plays a vital role in conveying messages and connecting ideas to a broader audience, especially in the world we live in today. With all the distractions and white noise surrounding us, flexing our visual voice is a great way to call attention to things that matter that may otherwise get drowned out.”